Varenummer: 2225
DKK 250,00 / stk
DKK 200,00 ekskl. moms
Her er DVD’en med manden der blev kåret som "Magic Circle close-up magician of the year". Engelske James Brown viser og lærer dig en række close-up rutiner, der gør indtryk i den virkelige verden.

Mere information

  • Her er DVD’en med manden der blev kåret som Magic Circle close-up magician of the year 2006. Engelske James Brown viser og lærer dig en række close-up rutiner, der gør indtryk i den virkelige verden. Først ser du ham optræde på barer og caféer (og han kan sit håndværk!) og bagefter får du forklaringen og en grundig gennemgang af rutinerne.

    Rune Klan og Klaus Mulbjerg anmeldte i sin tid DVD’en i Pegasus Plus fremhævede de effekten Brainless Travellers som værende hele DVD’ens pris værd:
    To bunker med 10 kort i hver. To tilskuere tænker hver på et kort fra samme bunke. Derefter forsvinder de to kort et ad gangen, mens den ene tilskuer selv holder kortene i hånden. De to kort hopper altså et ad gangen over i tryllekunstnerens bunke! Bemærk at tilskuerne blot tænker på kortene, og de nævner først hvilke kort de tænker på, når kortene er hoppet! Effekten er 100% impromptu og kan laves med et lånt spil.

    Her er flere eksempler:

    Signed Card to Sealed Envelope - This is not your standard Signed Card to Sealed Envelope; it's all done by the spectator! A signed card vanishes from your spectator's possession and impossibly reappears in a sealed envelope held by the very same spectator!

    Psychological Deck Vanish - The ultimate solution to the "Show me a trick!" request that will blow them away! The deck vanishes from between yours and the spectator's hands, leaving nothing but their previously thought of card!

    Card Under Box - The classic effect with some great new twists! See James perform this in all the "wrong" situations and successfully blow people away! Repeat card under box, deck under box & optional vanish! This is a great lesson in misdirection as James proves that with the right thinking, you CAN do this anywhere! Card Under Watch - This one gets people talking! When a spectator finds their signed card folded & wedged snugly under their watch, they literally freak out! James has routined this in such a way that the spectator's will NEVER be able to backtrack the load. A fantastic lesson in time misdirection!

    Fancy a Pot of Jam? - Pitching & loading for the real world! This effect takes a simple coin trick and gives it an ending that is so surreal that it will be remembered for a very long time! James begins with "The World Famous 11p Trick" & ends it with a mind blowing production of a pot of jam.

    Cards Opener - A brilliant routine combining the best elements of card Magic, to create an action packed showpiece that is ideal to begin your set with. Cards to pocket, card changes and a deck vanish make this something to really show you mean business when you have a deck of cards!