This is an odd bit of business and an item David Merry came up with for his TV series in Canada that needed 12 “Geek” pieces. The item became a staple in his club act and was seen by thousands of people in comedy clubs across North America. It involves a cheese knife and your forearm. There is really no other way to introduce this item!
He used to talk about ducking out of dull parties early, by using this gimmick. “If you got bored at wine and cheese parties you could always wait for the cheese tray to come around and do this”: Dave would grab the cheese knife off the cheese tray and take it to his forearm, as you do exactly as follows... you pretend to slice a nice chunk of forearm skin off and expose it to the audience.
This visual oddity gets great laughs and shrieks all at the same time!
We happen to have a few pieces comes with cheese slicer and Arm Gash Gimmick (fake skin), which can be used over and over. You fasten it with rubber cement or sticky tape.