DIGITAL EFFECTS - The Magic of Joe Mogar
Varenummer: 5549
DKK 625,00 / stk
DKK 500,00 ekskl. moms
Hvis du skulle få lyst til at kaste dig over disciplinen "trylleri med fingerbøl" så er DET HER bogen, som du vil have. Den tager dig fra begynder til ekspert igennem 230 store og rigt illustrerede sider - og gør dig i øvrigt klogere på meget andet undervejs.

Mere information

  • Joe Mogar has specialized in thimble magic for more than 50 years, and in this fine book Joe shares the secrets he has used to reinvent this branch of the art. In addition to diabolically  clever sleights, effects, and methods, there are dozens of ideas on how to introduce thimbles  into your act and how to present the material.

    Thimble magic is extraordinarily visual. Thimbles appear, disappear, morph, change color, migrate, and penetrate. There is  no dealing, signing, shuffling, memorizing, or counting. This is all magic, all the time. And, it is the best kind of magic, magic  that must be seen to be appreciated. Multiple presentational hooks are included which can be interchanged with related effects. There is even an innovative Routine Builder which will help you bring the individual parts together into a cohesive and flowing act.  

    This is a truly comprehensive manual on thimble magic. It will take you from a beginner to an expert in 230-plus pages - and the book is designed to make your journey enjoyable.

    Written and illustrated by Steve Beam. Hardbound and with more than 200 fine drawings.